
16. Meeting of "Coaching meets AI"

At the center of the 16th meeting of the "Coaching meets AI" dialogue series was the question of whether and how immersive image work can be conducted in AI coaching. After explaining and discussing the fundamental characteristics of immersive image work, a first approach to implementing it in AI coaching was practically demonstrated and tested. This approach involves the coach asking the coachee to reflect on and describe a specific aspect of their coaching topic. In our practical exercise, this was the mental key effect that formed the core of a particular coaching issue. Especially when coachees find it difficult to provide such a description, they can be asked to choose a photo that effectively visualizes the effect, and then ChatGPT can be tasked with identifying the emotions expressed in the image.

If the coachees find it easier to describe the key effect, immersive image work can subsequently be carried out and documented in writing. This protocol can then be given to ChatGPT with the task of identifying the connections between the description of the image and the description of the key effect, and, based on this, refining the description of the key effect.