
12. Meeting of "Coaching meets AI"

On July 4th, the twelfth session of the "Coaching meets AI" dialogue series took place. We identified the key design and usage parameters of AI coaching and attempted to use them to measure both the bulk of the prevailing coaching bots and the "Triadic AI Coaching" approach I developed.

Design Parameters:

  • The potential use of each chatbot is determined by the capabilities of classificatory/discriminative and/or generative AI.
  • The potential use of each chatbot is determined by the general, i.e., worldwide, knowledge base of a specific AI and/or by programming the chatbot to primarily utilize specific expert knowledge or skills.
  • The potential use of each chatbot is determined by the conversation management programmed into the chatbot by its developers, and/or by the extent to which users can independently determine the conversation management and flexibly use the available prompts, modifying them as needed.
  • The potential use of each chatbot is determined by the ability to communicate with the chatbot in writing and/or verbally.
  • The potential use of each chatbot is determined by whether it is possible to use additional specific digital coaching tools, such as digital images or apps with avatars in virtual worlds.

Usage Parameters:

  • The design of the chatbot can be tailored to different target groups and varying performance promises. This means:
    • The chatbot can be targeted at individuals seeking coaching services to solve their problems.
    • The chatbot can be targeted at coaches who want to prepare and/or review their coaching sessions for quality optimization and have supervisory or qualification needs.
    • The chatbot can be targeted at coaches who want to review and improve their communication behavior in the coach-coachee dialogue and have supervisory or qualification needs.
  • The design of the chatbot can be oriented towards different coaching functions. This means:
    • The chatbot can be designed to completely replace human coaches, focusing solely on self-coaching.
    • The chatbot can be designed to be used by coachees to prepare and/or review their coaching sessions with a human coach, without the chatbot being directly applied during the sessions, for quality optimization.
    • The chatbot can be designed to be used jointly by coaches and coachees within their coaching dialogue for quality optimization.

With reference to the overall profile of the selected and specifically combined design and usage parameters, the question arises as to how intensively the characteristics of this profile stimulate the coaching success factors or impact factors of:

  • Appreciation and emotional support
  • Conversation management
  • Affect activation and regulation
  • Goal clarification and will formation
  • Result-oriented problem and self-reflection
  • Resource activation
  • Implementation support